Much like the interest in home technology integration for many of us, our pastimes can grow into deeper interests and even build business. Co-Hosts Walt Zerbe and Dan McGowan talk AV activities like AV Yoga, wine clubs, book clubs, and more with Katye McGregor Bennett of KMB Communications, Amanda Wildman of TruMedia, Jamie Briesemeister of Integration Controls, and Ian Bryant of CEDIA.
#AVintheAM on Twitter... Sundays at 8AM Eastern
#AVFoodies on social media
SURGE! A tricky problem deserves a detailed discussion, and this episode unspools surges, protection, grounding, and so much more. Bill Whitlock, who is with California-based Whitlock Consulting;, Tim Fazio, who is with Pennsylvania-based Transient Protection Design; and Ken Erdmann, who is CEDIA's director of workforce training and education, cover the highly-technical to the highly-practical with co-hosts Walt Zerbe and Dan McGowan.
Bill's course at CEDIA Expo 2021 can be found here.
Tim Fazio offer's one-on-one meetings to discuss surge protection and grounding.
The issue of privacy for integrators and all its related intersections can be daunting. Nathan Holmes of Access Networks and CEDIA Tech Council Chairperson Mike Maniscalco of Pytheas discuss privacy implications and concerns (including talking to your lawyer), as well as provide practical takeaways for integrators, their businesses, and their customers. Walt Zerbe and Dan McGowan host.
National Security Training Academy (NSTA), as referenced by Nathan.
For businesses, technologies, and services in their early stages, the road ahead is a challenge. You'll hear from CEDIA Senior Director Strategic Partnerships Ian Bryant about how one unique section of the upcoming CEDIA Expo, the Launchpad, helps provide a nice boost. CEDIA Senior Director of Technology & Standards Walt Zerbe and CEDIA Public Relations Specialist Dan McGowan cohost the episode and discuss the value of the in-person experience in Indy.
Contact Ian Bryant if you're interested in showcasing at the Launchpad: