In this podcast, Walt Zerbe, Sr. Director of Technology & Standards Attended a HAA training in Las Vegas. This podcast goes over what happened at the training, and how important it is to know these fundamentals if you are designing spaces that have audio in them! On a side note, this training supports the up and coming CEDIA/CTA Immersive Audio Design Recommended Practice (RP22). Joining me on this cast are most of the students as well as Gerry Lemay, creator of HAA and Adam Pelz of Bespoke Cinemas who likes to co-instruct with Gerry.
Others on the cast are: Alex Otto of Otto System Works, Andy Gandini of TSP, Patrick Serrian of A+ Calibration, David Foster of Boise Smart Homes, Thomas Lobo of Atlanta Home Theater and Chris Oram of Eagle Century.
In this podcast, Walt Zerbe, Sr. Director of Technology & Standards talks with Micahel Heiss, CEDIA Fellow, long tome CEDIA volunteer, and AV industry veteran about the 2023 NAB show he attended.