Michael Heiss (M Heiss Consulting) attended E3 (the big gaming show) and has a report — and both he and Walt Zerbe have info from the Apple World Wide Developers Conference in this podcast.
For more on CEDIA, go to https://cedia.net/.
Steve Rissi, CEDIA's director of technical training — a former tech who's worked in the field — and our Senior Director of Education Samantha Ventura join us to give us the skinny on the classes that'll fit your firm's needs and how their team has been polishing the training catalog for CEDIA Expo 2019.
Register here: https://www.cediaexpo.com/
Two parts again in this one: David Thomas (Momentum Group) and Carol Campbell (Technology Insider Group, among others) tell us all about stuff to do, see, eat, and drink in and around Denver, and Brian Pagel of Emerald Expositions tells us what's new and different on the CEDIA Expo floor in 2019.
Early Bird Special pricing for CEDIA Expo 2019 has been extended through June 21. REGISTER HERE: https://www.cediaexpo.com/
For more on Thomas and Campbell:
Michael Heiss just attended the Display Week show in California, and he’s got the skinny on display technology that’ll be impacting us in the near future. He also took a look at a show called “Digital Hollywood,” and he has info on those presentations, too.
For more on CEDIA, go to cedia.net.