Happy holidays! It’s the second of our two-part series, in which we’ll replay clips from the ten most popular podcasts of 2020. Part Two takes us from numbers five through one. We cover video calibration, coping with business disruptions, and a hilarious segment on 5G with YouTube’s “ElectroBOOM” guy, Mehdi Sadaghdar.
In this two-part series, we’ll hear clips from the ten most popular podcasts of 2020. Part One: Clips from podcasts ten through six on the list. Topics include proper power management, immersive audio, cybersecurity and more.
CEDIA’s Global Services Manager Jenn McGuire joins us for the skinny on the new CEDIA Career Center. The site allows you to:
We’ll also hear from Jenn and CEDIA’s Member Programs Manager Jess Thornburg on all the current member benefits – it’s renewal time, after all.
Roger Dressler (RWD Consulting) and Peter Aylett (HTE) join us for a deep dive into the challenges of keeping the immersive audio experience as consistent as possible for every seat in a dedicated home theater, including some pretty revolutionary ideas from the guests.