In this episode first broadcast in April, Dave Pedigo and Ed Wenck from CEDIA® HQ had a chat with Michael Heiss, Tech Council stalwart and one of our TV and video experts who's long been of fixture of the association. Mike dug into the intricacies of the next generation of broadcast (yep, as in over-the-air) television, ATSC 3.0. (It's gotten the FCC green light.)
Eric Bodley, President and CEO of Future Ready Solutions and Bodley and Associates, (and 2017 CEDIA Lifetime Achievement Award winner) joins CEDIA's Dave Pedigo, David Meyer, Walt Zerbe, and Ed Wenck to talk cables and HDMI.
A.I.: Two little letters -- and a universe of implications.
Rich Green, Alex Capecelatro (, and CEDIA’s Walt Zerbe and Ed Wenck discuss the opportunities – and dangers – presented by artificial intelligence (A.I.) for the home tech industry and beyond. (Spoiler alerts: Yes, machines can become paranoid, and yes, your Fitbit knows who you’re being intimate with.)
Some books and articles are mentioned in the discussion, including:
Age of Context: Mobile, Sensors, Data and the Future of Privacy
by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel
Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
by Max Tegmark
“How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence,” NY Times, Sept. 1, 2017
SMPTE's held their annual conference, and we've got the info on what's next when it comes to 8K, HDR, ATSC 3.0 and more -- and how it's definitely going to impact your business.